Training the next generation of
women tech enthusiasts

Next Gen Project is a training project, realised in collaboration with Secondary Schools and addressed to young women, that aims to reduce the gender gap in the new generation of STEM students.

It's an opportunity for these women to explore their passion for technology through learning experiences in creative coding and artificial intelligence.


Next Gen Project

The Objectives

Students from the secondary schools involved in the project will learn how to programme and use technologies, such as artificial intelligence to express themselves and solve the challenges of the future.

The training will be guided by 3 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.

We want to revolutionise the way we teach with an educational offering based on the creative, conscious and innovative use of technology.


We believe that expanding the horizons and opportunities of the participants will have a real impact on their future, an impact we hope will be reflected in the society they'll help build. And we believe that the conscious and active use of technology can be a powerful tool for emancipation and inclusion.


We view climate change as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, and frontier technologies are an essential element in finding new solutions in many areas. The project aims at expanding participants' critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills to take on these issues.


Next Gen Project


Creative coding and Web App

Participants learn how to create interactive prototypes in Javascript, to explore innovative ideas for services, data visualization, generative art, software projects, and much more.

Let's Discover Artificial Intelligence

Using coding and machine learning, participants explore the challenges and opportunities offered by state-of-the-art AI, such as virtual assistants and models that generate art from text.

The project is developed following the guidelines of the European Community Digital Competence framework DigComp 2.2


of training and learning content

Women students


Hands-on workshops


About Bending Spoons

Bending Spoons is the proud partner and sponsor of the Codemotion Next Gen Project.

Based in Milan, Bending Spoons is one of Europe's leading tech companies. Since its founding in 2013, the company has served nearly half a billion people across the globe, with 100 million people using its products each month. And with its international team and award-winning culture, Bending Spoons is one of Italy's most sought-after workplaces.